Author Guidelines
Authors are invited to make a submission to this journal. All submissions will be assessed by an editor to determine whether they meet the aims and scope of this journal. Those considered to be a good fit will be sent for peer review before determining whether they will be accepted or rejected.
Before making a submission, authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish any material included with the submission, such as photos, documents and datasets. All authors identified on the submission must consent to be identified as an author. Where appropriate, research should be approved by an appropriate ethics committee in accordance with the legal requirements of the study's country.
An editor may desk reject a submission if it does not meet minimum standards of quality. Before submitting, please ensure that the study design and research argument are structured and articulated properly. The title should be concise and the abstract should be able to stand on its own. This will increase the likelihood of reviewers agreeing to review the paper. When you're satisfied that your submission meets this standard, please follow the checklist below to prepare your submission.
REV SEN is the Official Publication of the Ecuadorian Society of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation and will consider original works related to nephrology, dialysis and transplantation for publication. The Journal publishes research articles, clinical cases, review articles, medical education topics, short communications, and invitational editorials. All the articles were analyzed by at least two reviewers (peer review) for acceptance. Manuscripts previously published in print or electronic format will not be accepted. The Journal REVSEN consists of the following sections:
A.- Review of the articles:
- Title: Specifies the topic to be discussed.
- Summary in Spanish and abstract in English. Maximum word count 300.
- Introduction and subtitles, if considered necessary.
- References must have a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 50 citations using the Vancouver style.
- Maximum six figures.
B.- Original Works
Research on etiology, pathophysiology, pathological anatomy, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment is needed. The recommended designs are analytical in the form of cross-sectional, longitudinal, case-control studies, cohort studies, and controlled trials. The length of the text (not including summary, bibliography, tables, and figure captions) should not exceed 3,000 words. The structure of the research work should include an introduction, methodology, results, and discussion. The structured summary should include the study objectives, methods, results, and conclusions in Spanish and English.
- Tables or graphs must be presented at the end of the text and with figure captions. Both tables and figures must be cited in strict order of appearance. The information should be consistent in the tables in the text is suggested.
- The number of bibliographic citations did not exceed 40, and up to a maximum (including both) of 8 figures or tables were included. It is recommended that the number of signatories not exceed six. For bibliographical citations, the Vancouver style should be adopted.
- If necessary, they must present the approval of the Bioethics Committee for Research on Human Beings recognized by the Ministry of Public Health, stating the indication of informed consent, the authorization of the entity where the study was carried out, and the anonymization of the patients, if applicable.
The registration of clinical trials will be indicated if the written article refers to a clinical trial developed in Ecuador, which must receive corresponding approval from the Health Regulation Control and Surveillance Agency (ARCSA) and be registered in the ARCSA clinical trial registration form.
C.- Short Original Works
Originals with limited sample size. This paper describes clinical cases of exceptional observation that represent an important contribution to the knowledge of the disease. The maximum length of the text (which must include a summary) will be 1,500 words. The bibliographic citations will not exceed 20, and up to a maximum (including both) of 4 figures or tables will be accepted. It is advised that the number of signatories not exceed five.
It must follow the same order as the original works.
- Clinical Case
- Title: It must be specified whether it is one or two cases or a series of cases.
- Summary: In Spanish and abstract in English, with title and keywords. It would be best to briefly describe the case and the importance of your publication in a maximum of 150 words.
- Introduction: The disease or syndrome and the attributable cause are described.
- Presentation: Clinical description, laboratory, and other diagnostic studies. Figures and tables are mentioned in the document's text and appear at the end with figure captions.
- Discussion: The most recent or necessary bibliographic references are discussed to understand the clinical case's importance or relevance, the particularity of the case that makes it communicable, and the similarities or differences with previous cases in the bibliography.
E.- Editorial
An article that analyzes a topic or news of great relevance. This comment reflects the ideological line and position of the Journal REV SEN. Recent advances can also be discussed. The journal's Management and Editorial Team commissioned these articles.
F.- Special Articles
Under this heading, works of particular interest to nephrology that, due to their characteristics, do not fit under the editorial heading will be published. The same publication rules apply as in the previous section.
G.- Images in nephrology
It must be written double-spaced, with 2.5 cm margins. The title contains fewer than eight words. The explanatory text will contain the most relevant information in 250 words or less. The studies included a maximum of 4 bibliographic citations. All symbols contained in the images will be adequately explained in the text. It will contain a maximum of three figures.
The authors are responsible for obtaining the appropriate permissions to reproduce in REV SEN material (text, tables, or figures) from other publications. These permissions must be requested from both the author and the publisher of the material.
Authorship. Only those who have contributed intellectually to the development of the work should appear on the list of authors. There must be more than helping collect data or participating in some techniques to appear as an author. In general, to be listed as an author, the following requirements must be met:
- Having participated in the conception and execution of the work resulted in the article's question.
- We participated in the writing of the text and its possible revisions.
- We have approved the final version that will be published. The Editorial Secretariat decreases any responsibility for possible conflicts arising from the authorship of the works published in the Journal.
Previous publication. The article's content must be original, not previously published or submitted to any other publication (or submitted for consideration). These restrictions do not apply to published summaries of communications, papers, or conferences presented at national or international scientific meetings. When the article sent for publication is on a similar topic to another article published by the authors, they must send a photo of said work so that the Management and Editorial Team can verify that there is no risk of duplication or redundancy in the publication. The authors must be aware that not revealing that the material submitted for publication has already been fully or partially published constitutes a severe breach of scientific ethics.
Informed consent. The authors must mention in the methods section that the procedures used in the patients and controls have been performed after obtaining informed consent.
When experiments with animals are described, it must be indicated whether the corresponding institutional and national recommendations regulating the care and use of laboratory animals have been followed.
Likewise, in all cases, the authors must declare that they have followed the protocols established by their respective health centers to access the data from the medical records to carry out this type of publication for research/dissemination purposes for the scientific community.
The authors declare possible conflicts of interest in their research and establish the sources of financing.
The components will be arranged on pages: page, headline, summary and keywords, text, bibliography, tables, and figure captions. All pages must be numbered consecutively.
Title page or cover
It must be presented separately from the rest of the text.
The title page must contain the following data:
- Article title. It must be as explicit as possible and, in any case, no longer than 85 letters.
- Abbreviated title of no more than 40 letters.
- The list of authors must be in the same order as they appear in the publication. The first name and one or two last names must be mentioned. It should be taken into account that the format that the authors choose for their signature will be, in the event of the article's publication, the same one that will be indexed in the different bibliographic databases in which the REV SEN is indexed.
- Name of the work center and its full address.
- If the work has been financed, the origin and numbering of said financing must be included.
- Previous presentation at meetings, congresses, or symposiums, with name, city, and date.
- Please provide the author's name, address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail to whom correspondence should be addressed.
- Word count of the text, excluding abstract, bibliography, tables, and figure captions.
- Shipping date.
- Email of each author.
Summary and keywords
A structured summary of approximately 250 words will be incorporated into the original works with the following sections: Introduction, Material or Patients and Methods, Results, and Conclusions. In each of them, the problem underlying the research, how it was carried out, the most notable results, and the conclusions derived from the results will be described. For the sections on short originals and unique articles, a summary of approximately 150 words will be included. Authors should ensure that the summary consists of the most important results in detail since this summary (in English) will appear in the MEDLINE system. Between 3 and 10 keywords should be included at the end of the page where the summary appears. The terms contained in the Medical Subject Headings of the Index Medicus must be used. Available at:
English. An English title, summary, and keywords translation must be included.
Text. It is recommended that the text be written in impersonal form. The work should be divided into sections: the originals in Introduction, Material or Patients and Methods, Results, and Discussion. Each section should be headed to separate pages.
Generally, a minimum of abbreviations is desirable, as is accepting the terms used internationally. Uncommon abbreviations must be defined at the time of their first appearance. Abbreviations were avoided in the title and abstract. When there are three or more abbreviations, it is recommended that they be listed in a table presented on a separate sheet. Authors may use both metric units of measurement and International System (SI) units. When SI measurements are used, it is convenient to include the corresponding metric units immediately afterward in parentheses. Drugs should be mentioned by their generic name. Instruments used to perform laboratory or other techniques must be identified, in parentheses, by the brand as well as the address of their manufacturers.
Bibliographic citations must be numbered consecutively in the order of appearance in the text in flown numbers, according to the “Vancouver style.” The reference to journal articles will be made in the following order: authors, using the surname(s) followed by the initial of the name, without punctuation, and each author separated by a comma; the full title of the article in the original language; the name of the journal according to the abbreviations of the Index Medicus, available at: year of appearance, volume and indication of the first and last page. All authors must be mentioned when there are six or fewer; When there are seven or more, the first six must be cited, and then the words ''et al.'' must be added. A similar style will be used for book citations. Below are three examples:
Trenchs Sáinz de la Maza V, Cambra Lasaosa FJ, Palomeque Rico A, Balcells Ramírez J, Seriñá Ramírez C, Hermana Tazanos MT, et al. Therapeutic limitation in intensive care. An Esp Pediatr. 2002; 57:511–7
Valls Soler A, Páramo Andrés S, Centeno Monterubio C, AnsóOliván S, Gortazar Arias P, López de Heredia I, et al. Morbidity and mortality in very low weight newborns in quality control of perinatal care. An Pediatr (Barc). 2003; 58:464–70.
Ferber R, Kryger M, editors. Principles and practice of sleep medicine in the child. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; nineteen ninety-five.
Chapter of the book
Blines JE. Chronic and recurrent abdominal pain. In: Walker-Smith JA, Hamilton JR, Walker WA editors. Practical pediatric gastroenterology. 2nd ed. Madrid: Ergon Editions, 1996. p. 25–37.
Citations of the style of “personal communication,” “in preparation,” “submitted for publication,” or conference summaries that are not published in a scientific journal should not be included in the bibliography. If it is considered essential to cite said material, its origin must be mentioned in the corresponding place in the text. You can consult the Vancouver Standards (1997 edition) to prepare the bibliography. Available at:
They must be numbered in Arabic characters in order of appearance in the text. They will be written double-spaced, will not exceed the size of a sheet of paper, and will be sent on separate sheets. They will have a title at the top that concisely describes its content so that the table is understandable without having to read the text of the article. If abbreviations are used, they should be explained at the bottom of the table. Presenting the same data in text, tables, and figures should be avoided.
Whether they are graphs, drawings, or photographs, they will be numbered in Arabic characters consecutively and jointly as figures in order of appearance in the text. To create graphs, the authors must follow the guidelines established in the document “Graphics of Statistical Data in Medicine,” available at Eventually, the reproduction of photographs or drawings in color is possible, as long as the Management and Editorial Team accepts it. If pictures or patient data are reproduced, these must not identify the subject. The figures will be accompanied by the corresponding footer, written on a sheet incorporated into the text.
Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
- This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
- All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
- All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
- Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.
Original Research
Section default policy
Copyright Notice
Los autores retienen su derechos. La revista REV SEN no tiene períodos de embargo sobre los artículos. Favor revise las políticas en el siguiente enlace: Licencia.
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.